For my son, when he grows up, this site will be my legacy for him. The decisions his mother and I made for him, to understand them, to learn from them and to lead a life without prejudice and to succeed in it on his own merit.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

50 years coma

The following article was extracted from


The failure of the New Economic Policy is becoming increasingly apparent. Affirmative action has morphed into cronyism, nepotism and corruption.

It is a system where a first-generation Indonesian immigrant, who is likely to be Muslim and physically resemble native Malays, can qualify as a "son of the soil" within several years of arriving in Malaysia. But a fifth-generation Chinese or Indian Malaysian is still classified as an immigrant.

Nurtured by the BN/Umno regime for years, these hand-picked Malay captains of industry are today deep in debt and running unprofitable businesses that rely on government largess's. The country's Malay leaders are faced with the decision of whether to bail them out or let them sink — and thus liquidate the very symbols of Malay enterprise.

The NEP has also contributed to a brain drain. Others suggest that the NEP has contributed to racial polarisation and a feeling of marginalisation among the non-Malays. Umno's very own political survival depends on the support of the Malays especially from the rural heartland. Whenever Umno is in trouble as they are now, Umno will invoke The 'Evil Spirits'. These 'Evil Spirits' come in the form of Israel, the United States, of non Malays and non Muslim Malaysians threatening or questioning the so-called Social Contract, the NEP, Islam, the Malay language, Malay Special Rights, the Malay Rulers and Ketuanan Melayu (Malay Supremacy).

Umno knows that by invoking these imaginary 'Evil Spirits', the Malays will go into a frenzy and go running to Umno's bosom. One of the ways Umno whips the Malays into a frenzy is to use the MSM such as Utusan Malaysia and TV3. Next, in order for Umno to 'Exorcise' these Evil Spirits, it invokes the Evil ISA and the Chief Exorcist will be none other than Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar. Whatever you may say or believe, Malaysia is ruled by a racist regime that is using race and religion to enrich themselves, their families and cronies at the expense of the Rakyat (People).

The following is a Comment by MASTERWORDSMITH.

Thank you very much, MarGeeMar for this great post. We need more people like you who can see the UMNO moronic racist fiends for who they are. May I have your permission to put your post in my blog and have it linked to yours? I await your response with anticipation.

With regards to your question, I would encourage the child to work towards that dream and to let him know that God willing, one day it may happen. But not at the moment where morons and bigots rule the country.

Having said that, I would not snuff out that desire in his heart but would encourage him to develop himself in the relevant areas, prepare himself mentally, socially, intellectually, spiritually etc and to make him realize that his dream COULD come true if UMNO is not in control of the government and if there is constitutional reform.

I would encourage that child to be a leader in his own little way and to impress upon him that leadership must begin with the right attitude. I would tell the child and guide him along the way to develop himself to be a wise and virtuous man.

Along the way, I would help him to develop powerful analytical skills and also the uncanny knack of sensing possibilities that would benefit the rakyat as a whole and not just for himself or his group. If he cannot get along with his peers, how then can he try to be a political leader?

Although this might sound a wee bit idealistic, as a mother, I almost always try to ensure that my boy has well-integrated personality and display thorough discipline, training and learning, acquired poise, tact, maturity and the ability to discern truth from falsehood and to see everything in the light of reason without vested interests or selfish influences that could come both internally and externally. And this must be done without him losing his childhood. Far too often, in Malaysian society (especially in Chinese families), the desire for meritocracy ends in a dead end because of unfair practices. As such, many parents overload their children with excessive homework, tuition classes etc. with the hope that one day, they will win a scholarship etc and leave the country. Sadly, the development of critical thinking skills, and how to be street smart. The over emphasis on A's must be put to a stop!!!

I also believe that regardless of whether a child wants to be PM or whatever, he/she must be taught to respect the traditions and beliefs of his fellow citizens and show deep respect for the opinions of others even if these contradict his own. Fact is, with the appalling examples from UMNO brats and other racist leaders, this will be difficult because such disgraceful leaders are setting a most unhealthy trend as can be seen by the protest re PKNS GM.

Sadly, our educational institutions seldom teach kids of today moral courage and the need to have complete honesty with himself and his subordinates. We have moral education but does it teach kids today to be able to make the distinction between holding on and living for ideals with integrity and not show moral cowardice but be gentlemanly to admit his mistakes? If they were to look at our leaders of today, *sigh* they would probably be wondering why their parents teach one thing and leaders do the opposite.

Finally, I believe that anyone, young or old, who wants to be a political leader must be a self-sacrificing leader who joined politics because of a genuine love for the country and the well-being of the rakyat and so must be willing to sacrifice comfort, safety and advancement for the greater good of the country. Needless to say, he must have mastery of language and show clarity of expression in speech, writing and thought. If not, then he would have muddled and fuzzy thinking

As for now, we can only dream of a just, capable, intelligent and pragmatic PM for our country because ....reality speaks louder than words.

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